Investor Knowledge "*" indicates required fields Step 1 of 2 50% Name* First Last Email* Phone*Advisor*Jeff HancockPatrick MurphyKevin RebeloAndrew GibsonStacey DustinBrock HiggsChas MurphyTricia NairnShelley MacIntyreUnknownSecura Office Location*KingstonBelleville How long have you been investing in mutual funds?* Less than one year One to three years Four to 10 years Greater than 10 years What are capital gains?* The total amount your investment has grown The profit realized from the sale of registered assets The profit realized from the sale of non-registered assets Unsure Which of the following funds is typically considered as having the highest risk rating?* International Equity Fund Canadian Dividend Fund Precious Metals Fund Unsure In periods of rising interest rates, what typically happens to the price of bond funds?* Bond prices go up Bond prices go down Interest rates do not impact bond prices Unsure What is a Management Expense Ratio (MER)?* The fees charged by the mutual fund to pay the expenses of the fund The fees charged by your investment representative to cover their costs The fees charged by Quadrus for administering your account Unsure What is the primary purpose of diversification?* To increase the potential for a higher rate of return To reduce the amount of risk the portfolio is exposed to To benefit from the experience of multiple fund managers Unsure